Suscitatio Enterprises, LLC
Subcultural Research Design, Implementation & Consultation Academia | Law Enforcement | Media Professionals
Real Vampire Community, Lifestyle & Subculture Studies Psychic (Pranic) & Sanguinarian (Blood) Vampirism Research Paranormal | Psychic | Anomalous Experiences Research
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The VEWRS & AVEWRS Research Surveys Are Applicable To Those Identifying With: Psychic (Psi/Pranic), Sanguinarian (Sang/Blood), Living, Real Vampirism, Energy Work, Or Those Who Consider Themselves "Awakened"
VEWRS & AVEWRS Publicly Released Statistical Data & Charts (Non-Correlated):
Data Set 1: 001, 003, 004, 006, 030, 037, 137, 155/156, 172, 236, 246, 262, 285 Data Set 2: 383/384, 392, 398, 413, 479, 549, 557, 669, 794, 827, 831, 844, 871, 946 Data Set 3: 025, 027, 033, 077, 120, 124, 144, 145, 151, 198, 269, 325, 329 Data Set 4: 390/391, 397, 400/401, 411/412, 529/530, 624/625, 681/682, 692, 796/797, 819 Data Set 5: 031, 034, 039/040, 047, 067, 122, 142, 227, 276, 281, 308, 311, 313, 355, 358 Data Set 6: 439/440, 473, 521, 657, 671, 759, 829, 841, 843, 851, 854/855, 856, 890, 908
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AVEWRS Text Only:
Vampirism & Energy Work Research Study March 2006 - March 2009
The Official Data Collection Period Has Concluded Survey Submissions Will Still Be Accepted Through: These Submissions May Not Be Immediately Included In Forthcoming Publications
General Information & Background:
The Vampirism & Energy Work Research Study is a detailed sociological and phenomenological study of the real vampire community conducted by Suscitatio Enterprises, LLC. Two surveys were released in 2006 that were answered by over 950 individuals from all paths within the vampire community and throughout the world. The first was the Vampire & Energy Work Research Survey (VEWRS) with 379 Questions in March 2006; and the second was the Advanced Vampirism & Energy Work Research Survey (AVEWRS) with 609 Questions in August 2006. From 2006 to 2009 a combined response total (VEWRS & AVEWRS) reached over 1,450 surveys or over 670,000 individually answered questions; making it the largest and most in-depth research study ever conducted on the real vampire/vampyre community or subculture.
Vampire & Energy Work Research Survey (VEWRS) An Introspective Examination Of The Real Vampire Community
Advanced Vampirism & Energy Work Research Survey (AVEWRS) Examining the Intricacies of the Vampiric Condition
Supplemental Vampirism & Energy Work Interview Survey (SVEWIS) - Non-Public Ethnomethodological & Existential Phenomenological Research from an Emic Perspective
Response Statistics As Of March 20, 2009:
VEWRS = 955 Returned To Date (Since March 22, 2006) AVEWRS = 515 Returned To Date (Since August 1, 2006)
VEWRS Viability Response Rate Threshold: 250 Minimum Returns / 382.0% Of Target AVEWRS Viability Response Rate Threshold: 150 Minimum Returns / 343.3% Of Target
"Lives Of Real Vampires: More Than A Diet Of Blood" By Merticus for Everyday Health - October 29, 2015
"Dracula On The Couch: The Psychiatry Of Vampires" Myth, Medical Illness, Madness, And Modern "Real Vampires" By Joseph M. Pierre M.D.; Health Sciences Clinical Professor Of Psychiatry At UCLA Psychology Today (Psych Unseen) - October 29, 2015
"Why 'Real Vampires' Fear Going To The Doctor" By Jennifer J. Brown, PhD for Everyday Health - October 28, 2015
"Inside The Human Blood-Drinking, 'Real Vampire' Community Of New Orleans" By Yanan Wang for The Washington Post - October 26, 2015
"The People Who Drink Human Blood" By David Robson for BBC: Future - October 21, 2015
"New Study Confirms Existence Of Real-Life ‘Vampires’" By Marygrace Taylor for Men’s Health Magazine - October 9, 2015
"Interview With A Real-Life Vampire: Why Drinking Blood Isn't Like In Hollywood" By Kim Wall of The Guardian - August 15, 2015
"On Second Thought - The Real Vampires" Interview w/John Edgar Browning & Merticus Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) Public Radio - August 5, 2015
"The Real-Life Vampires Of Atlanta" "Real-Life Vampires: We 'Feed' During Sex" By Abby Haglage of The Daily Beast - August 4, 2015 "The Daily Beast Podcast: Interview With A Vampire (Merticus)"
"There's A Global Community Of Actual Vampires & They're Afraid To Go To The Doctor" By Isha Aran of Fusion - July 13, 2015
"What It's Like To Be A Real-Life Vampire" By Sarah Jacoby of Refinery29 - July 10, 2015
"Is 'Vampire' A Genuine Identity? A Look At The Surprising World Of 'Alternate Identities'" By Sarah Caspari of The Christian Science Monitor - July 9, 2015
"Real Vampires Exist, And They Need Counseling Too" By Max Kunter of Newsweek - July 9, 2015
"Take People Who Think They Are Vampires Seriously, Taxpayer-Funded Professor Urges" By Eric Owens of The Daily Caller - July 7, 2015
"Vampirët: Historia e Vërtetë" By Endri Farka of Flurudha (Albania) - February 23, 2015
"Lawyers, Doctors, Bloodsuckers: The Real Vampires Of New York City... And Their Fangsmith" By Emily Levy of Vocativ - August 6, 2013
"Unearthing Real Vampire Culture" By Anne Neville of Buffalo News - October 28, 2011 (Printed October 30, 2011)
"Vampires: Fact Or Fiction?" - Interview With Zero & Merticus - November 24, 2007
"Vampires Seek Tolerance, Understanding From Others" By Christopher Quinn of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution - November 17, 2009 "Vampire Community In Search Of Positive Energy - An Interview With The Vampires" By Laura Figueroa of the Miami Herald - October 30, 2009
"The De-Evilution Of The Vampire" By Rick Allen of the Ocala Star-Banner - October 25, 2009
"Vampires Of New Jersey" By Lisa Rose of Inside Jersey Magazine - October 15, 2009
"V Is For Voracious: Vampire Culture Unveiled" By Alexandra Zayas of the St. Petersburg Times - August 16, 2009"A Vampire's Life? It's Really Draining" By Monica Hesse of the Washington Post - November 24, 2008 "Real-Life Vampires: Who Are They?" By Ki Mae Heussner of - October 31, 2008 "Night Neighbors" - FOX News Channel Hannity's America w/Michelle Belanger & Anshar Seraphim - December 7, 2008 Members Of America's Vampire Subculture Could Be Living Right Under Your Nose TAPS Magazine - Halloween 2007 Special Edition "Interview With A Vampire" By Amber Vanzant w/Merticus Of Suscitatio & AVA - Full Text Of Interview "First Rule Of 'Bite' Club: Vampires Are People, Too" By Norma Meyer of Copley News Service - October 19, 2007
TAPS Paranormal Magazine - Halloween 2007 Special Edition - Interview With A Vampire (Merticus) |
| "Would The Real Vampires Please Stand Up?" Paranormal Insider - Blog Contributed By Michelle Belanger - September 2007
vampirism a condition that exists outside of folklore and film? Are
there real living people who psychically feed on human life force — or
even on blood? What is the source of these supernatural hungers? The
Atlanta Vampire Alliance ( has the answers. Formed in 2005, the AVA is a
research group devoted to the modern condition of vampirism — but
Dracula would never recognize these vampires as kin. The vampires of
the AVA are living human beings, often psychic, who have a need for the
life force of others, and they have come together as a group to study
and better understand that need.
This is no fly-by-night
venture. The AVA's Vampire and Energy Work Research Survey, circulated
to thousands of self-identified vampires and energy workers around the
world, has hundreds of questions, focusing on everything from an
individual's religious beliefs to the minute details of their medical
history. The AVA's goal is to gather hard statistics about real
vampires — statistics which they hope will ultimately be taken
seriously in an academic context. Part of this goal has already been
achieved. Featured in the recent book, Vampires in Their Own Words, the
AVA has also worked with several individuals attached to colleges as
part of academic research. Most recently, they have started working
with author and fellow Paranormal Insider blogger Rosemary Ellen Guiley
to help add their knowledge to the future re-release of her landmark
work, Vampires Among Us. The ongoing research of the AVA may very well
change the way vampirism is defined.
Psychic Vampirism - Halloween 2008 Special Edition - Bizarre Magazine |
Are Vampires Real? - December 2009 - Paranormal Magazine (UK) |
"Vampires In Their Own Words: An Anthology of Vampire Voices" Edited By Michelle Belanger Llewellyn Publications - September 1, 2007 ISBN: 0738712205
"Revelations" by Kiera of House AVA; Pages 30-35 "Accepting Our Differences, Revealing Our Natures" by Eclecta; Pages 109-112 "Finding A Path In The South" by Eclecta of House AVA; Pages 192-199 "Atlanta Vampire Alliance: Initiating Serious Studies"; Pages 200-201
For this anthology, vampire Michelle Belanger convinced nearly two
dozen real-life vampires to break the code of silence that has kept
their fascinating subculture shrouded in secrecy. Sometimes
provocative, sometimes surprisingly down-to-earth, these candid
firsthand accounts come from both psi vampires who feed on energy and
sanguine vampires who drink actual blood. Their true stories shed light
on a variety of topics, including awakening to vampirism, the
compulsion to feed and feeding practices, donor ethics and etiquette,
and vampire traditions and codes of behavior.
[Click Book To Order] |
[Click Book To Order] |
| "Allure of the Vampire: Our Sexual Attraction to the Undead" Corvis Nocturnum Dark Moon Press - July 23, 2009 ISBN: 1448658942
mere mention of vampires used to be enough to make people think of a
nocturnal predator. But over the centuries the vampire has changed from
monstrous villain to sexual object, for both men and women alike.
Allure of the Vampire examines our intimate attraction to these beings
in a detailed manner. Now, join occult author Corvis Nocturnum as he
reveals the fascinating evolution of this icon as it has lured and
enticed us in folklore, film and books from the days of ancient
civilization to the living breathing inhabitants of our modern
subculture, the vampire community.
"Real Vampires, Night Stalkers and Creatures from the Darkside" Brad Steiger Visible Ink Press - September 1, 2009 ISBN: 1578592550
chilling chronicle of the often ignored history of vampirism as it has
surfaced repeatedly in news articles, historical accounts, and first
person interviews, this shocking account of occultist rituals and the
inhuman forces that influence them shines a light on the horrifying
truth. Revealing that real vampires are not immortal, do not have fangs
or sleep in coffins, and have no fear of sunlight or crucifixes, the
examination dispels many myths but also confirms the truth behind
several traits of real vampires, such as the insatiable thirst for
blood and the dream of an eternal soul. Complete with 30 spine-tingling
tales of the hideous wraiths and creatures that lurk in shadow, this
fascinating collection includes the stories of the Mexican prostitute
who mesmerized an entire village, convincing them she was an Incan
goddess who required human sacrifice for her magic; the three teenagers
who left a trail across the South as they conducted blood-drinking
rituals with animals; and the mysterious Lady in Black who draws
psychic energy from men who dare approach her as she wanders through
city streets and parks.
[Click Book To Order] |
San Diego, CA - AAR 2007 Conference |
"Gathering Data with the Vampire: Analyzing Causes and Effects of an Introspective Survey by the Vampire Community" Annual Conference of American Academy of Religion, November 17, 2007 Joseph Laycock, PhD Boston University & MTS Harvard Divinity School
"Ontological Rebellion: The Otherkin Community and the Struggle for Reality" Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR) Annual Meeting, August 8, 2009 Joseph Laycock, PhD Boston University & MTS Harvard Divinity School
San Francisco, CA - ASR 2009 Conference |
Academic Citations:
- Vampires Today: The Truth About Modern Vampirism
Joseph Laycock, PhD Boston University & MTS Harvard Divinity School Praeger Publishers (2009); Pages 7-8, 13-14, 18, 26, 33, 34, 37-38, 60-61, 67-68, 82, 84, 106-07, 110, 118, 121-122, 125, 133-34, 138-42, 145, 158, & 161-63
- Handbook Of Hyper-Real Religions
Adam Possamai, PhD (Editor); Joseph Laycock, PhD (Author - Real Vampires) Brill Handbooks On Contemporary Religion Volume 5 (2012); Pages 141-163
- Real Vampires as an Identity Group: Analyzing Causes and Effects of an Introspective Survey by the Vampire Community
Joseph Laycock, PhD - Author of Vampires Today: The Truth About Modern Vampirism Nova Religio - The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions August 2010, Vol. 14, No. 1, Pages 4–23
"Real vampires" believe that they must either consume blood or feed on "subtle" energy in order to maintain their physical, mental, and spiritual health. Recent scholarship has analyzed vampirism as a religious movement or as a cluster of "vampire religions." This article argues that vampirism should be viewed foremost as an identity around which social and religious institutions have formed. This model accounts for the mosaic of religious and cultural orientations held by vampires and acknowledges the vampire community's claims that vampirism is not a choice. It also facilitates a functionalist reading of vampire discourse as validating a new category of person.
- We Are Spirits of Another Sort: Ontological Rebellion and Religious Dimensions of the Otherkin Community
Joseph P. Laycock, PhD Nova Religio - The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions February 2012, Vol. 15, No. 3, Pages 65-90
Otherkin are individuals who identify as "not entirely human." Scholarship has framed this identity claim as religious because it is frequently supported by a framework of metaphysical beliefs. This article draws on survey data and interviews with Otherkin in order to provide a more thorough treatment of the phenomenon and to assess and qualify the movement's religious dimensions. It is argued that, in addition to having a substantively religious quality, the Otherkin community serves existential and social functions commonly associated with religion. In the final analysis, the Otherkin community is regarded as an alternative nomos--a socially constructed worldview--that sustains alternate ontologies.
- Do We Always Practice What We Preach? Real Vampires' Fears Of Coming Out Of The Coffin To Social Workers And Helping Professionals
DJ Williams, MSW, MS, PhD & Emily E. Prior, MA Critical Social Work, 2015 Vol. 16, No. 1
Helping professionals in multiple disciplines, including social workers, are commonly taught to embrace human diversity, think critically, empower clients, and respect client self-determination. Indeed, much of clinical practice with clients is predicated on such professional values, which are important to the establishment of a strong therapeutic alliance and an effective treatment outcome. This study applies qualitative measures, such as an open-ended questionnaire and creative analytic practice (CAP) strategy in the form of poetic representation, to provide insights into how people with a specific nontraditional identity, that of “real vampire,” feel about disclosing this salient identity to helping professionals within a clinical context. As a CAP method, poetic representation is valuable in acknowledging participants’ subjective realities and preserving emotional intensity in participants’ responses. Results suggest that nearly all participants were distrustful of social workers and helping professionals and preferred to “stay in the coffin” for fear of being misunderstood, labeled, and potentially having to face severe repercussions to their lives.
- Social Work, BDSM and Vampires: Toward Understanding and Empowering People with Non-Traditional Identities
D.J. Williams, PhD Canadian Social Work - Volume 15 Number 1, Fall 2013; Pages 10-24
Social workers are obligated to embrace human diversity, challenge social injustice, and work to empower vulnerable populations. Two separate, but somewhat related, law-abiding populations that remain hidden due to legitimate fears of marginalization and oppression, including among social workers, are the BDSM and real vampire communities. In an effort to educate social workers who likely will encounter (whether knowingly or not) individuals with BDSM or vampire identities, this article discusses current scholarly literature on these communities and their practices. Suggestions for empowering people who practice BDSM or vampirism are also provided.
Les travailleurs sociaux ont le devoir de tenir compte de la diversité humaine, de s’attaquer à l’injustice sociale et d’aider les populations vulnérables à se prendre en charge. Deux populations respectueuses des lois, distinctes bien qu’elles aient des caractéristiques communes, vivent dans la clandestinité en raison d’une peur légitime d’être marginalisées et opprimées, notamment par des travailleurs sociaux; il s’agit en l’occurrence la communauté BDSM et celle de vrais vampires. Voulant éduquer les travailleurs sociaux qui (qu’ils en soient conscients ou non) vont vraisemblablement venir en contact avec des personnes dont l’identité est liée au BDSM ou au vampirisme, cet article se penche sur la littérature savante relative à ces communautés et leurs pratiques. On y présente aussi quelques suggestions quant à certains moyens pouvant permettre aux personnes qui s’adonnent au BDSM ou au vampirisme de se prendre en charge.
- Contemporary Vampires and (Blood-Red) Leisure: Should We Be Afraid of the Dark?
DJ Williams, LCSW, PhD - Idaho State University Leisure/Loisir - Volume 32 (2) (2008); Pages 513-539
- “Predatory Spirituality:” Vampire Religion In America
David and Kiara Falk of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Sacred Tribes Journal - Volume 3 Number 2 (2008); Pages 102-131
TWILIGHT - A Formal Gathering Of The Vampire Community
TWILIGHT I - Los Angeles, CA - October 30, 2007 TWILIGHT II - Atlanta, GA - March 7-9, 2008 TWILIGHT III - Seattle, WA - September 26-28, 2008
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Voices of the Vampire Community (VVC) Public Meeting Transcripts:
April 27, 2008 - August 9, 2008 - December 6, 2008 - April 25, 2009 - 30, 2009 - 20, 2009 - June 16, 2010 - 22, 2011 - 25, 2012 - 23, 2012 - 20, 2013 - Vampire Community Discussion Transcripts:July 10, 2009 - August 2, 2009 - 20, 2009 -
The following data is representative of the specific sample collected by this study. All data found in the charts below, while within negligible margins of error or difference on the whole for the questions represented, is classified as preliminary since we've yet to publish our official findings. To view the updated and larger format charts please contact us at