This is a mixed methodological study of a specific subcultural social group (or independents) linked by association with specific reported phenomena and is directed towards both an online and offline audience via quantitative and qualitative dual anonymous surveys. Focus Group: Those who identify themselves as practitioners of modern psychic (psi) or sanguinarian (blood) vampi(y)rism with a joint focus on energy workers or practitioners (psions, energetic healers, or others who manipulate psi/pranic energy). Additionally those who identify with therianthropy, otherkin, and as being "awakened" individuals are sub-branched in the overall classification. The surveys are tailored specifically towards these groups and broad, yet specialized, distribution was realized exclusively within these groups for approximately 80% of the duration of the timeline. Format: Two surveys (both structured to be independent or linked with one another, with first being an introductory examination and the second an advanced examination), anonymous participation requirement, patterned random/intentional response indicators embedded, available in MSWord, HTML Text Format, or Printed Distributed Format. VEWRS (Survey 1) = Questions 1 - 379 (11 Categories); AVEWRS (Survey 2) = Questions 380 - 988 (5 Categories)
Research Analysis Timeframe:
The specific agendas of the individual research analysis meetings are technical in nature but a general overview will be provided as a matter of record in summary form at the close of each month. Each individual response from the VEWRS & the first section of the AVEWRS will be correlated and/or linked where applicable in various permutations to highlight both similar and dissimilar trends among responses and written responses grouped and interpreted accordingly. Responses will not simply be tallied without intensive cross-correlation & interpretation of written responses. We are utilizing methods covered by Creswell, Hayes, Cohen, and others regarding both qualitative and quantitative research methodology, applied statistical approaches from a social science perspective, predictive modeling, and multiple regression and correlation analysis as well as examining a plethora of papers and publications concerning baseline comparison data and related studies. Throughout the course of our analysis we will be working directly with a variety of professionals and academic faculty in a consultation and statistical verification capacity. Additionally we will work multilaterally with vampiric and energy practitioners in positions of leadership, influence, and experience to ensure transparency and the accurate or factual depiction of our own Community.
April - May 2007: Drafting Of Primer For Coding Surveys Into Data Program
April - December 2007: Preliminary Entry Of Data Into SPSS 15.0 Data Analysis Program January - December 2008: Completion Of Data Entry - Sample Sets: 1, 2, 3, & 4 January 2009: Data Preparation For General Statistical Analysis February - October 2010: Data Entry - 219 Selected Questions + General Statistical Analysis, Data Preparation For MRC & Amos Program - SEM For Behavioral Multivariate Analysis November - December 2011: Continuance Of MRC + ANOVA/ANCOVA, Prediction Models, Small Sample Test Algorithm Evaluation, & Initial Community Comparison Analysis January - July 2012: Finalization Of MRC, Hypothesis Testing, Data Charting & Graphing, Community Correlations, & Completed Internal Examination Of Qualitative Responses
2013 - 2016: Additional Phases Of Research & Academic Networking